Saturday, October 18, 2008

Installing Linux on DELL Inspiron 1525

Installing a new OS on any system is a big headache and when it comes to your new laptop you are very scared too.

Just one day after i got my laptop ( DELL INSPIRON 1525) i sat for partioining and installing linux on it.
It had Vista pre-installed on it(Microsoft's Monopoly).
I had plans to use Vmware but i also wanted to have seperate OS.
For first time i had such a huge HDD(160GB), much than my 40GB on my old pc, so wanted to fulfill my dreams of having 4-5 OS :) :)

But here comes the problem, Vista didn't allow me to compress the C drive to less then 80GB.
I was not ready to give C drive that much huge space at any cost, so decided to partition from a live ubuntu cd.

I booted ubuntu 7.04 , started gparted("weapon of mass destruction"- as they say).
This weapon really did a mass destruction, it stopped at middle of resizing my c drive and said that error occured.
Now i was sure my Vista is gone.
Vista cried with thousands of error and refused to boot even in safe mode(mass distruction was done, how could it boot ).

So i decided to restore the system using the CD's i got with the laptop.
I reinstalled Vista, but the problem of partitioning was not solved.
I had one option of partitioning first and then reinstalling Vista or Linux, but that way Dell Media Direct was not installing.

So i decided to go by what they say RTFM.

I finally got the solution.
Here it is:

Dell gives a dvd labeled Media Direct, first boot from it,it has a good user interface and asks for partition size of C drive, i gave 30GB.
Then boot from the Vista DVD and install Vista on it, and then do whatever you like with the remaining partition.

Then i installed Fedora and Ubuntu seperately and Xp,solaris and others on Vmware ( I had 3GB of RAM :) )

All's Well That Ends Well

1 comment:

Kazim Zaidi said...

More and more branded machine manufacturers would do these things. They force you into weird and uneasy choices that you can't change, at least not by an obvious procedure (like you were stuck!).

All this trouble is sponsored directly from M$, who wants to monopolize a machine's resources, power, storage for its own crappy OS. :-P

Still, Dell does make a Linux notebook too. Not in India yet?